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Ethereum Password Recovery

The rise of the crypto market led to the emergence of multiple cryptocurrencies. Ethereum was the second-most-demanded token after Bitcoin. It gained the second-largest market cap and attracted millions of investors.

Thus, by keeping funds in the Ethereum wallet, users can get passive income and profit from storing tokens in the wallet. However, if you lose a password one day, you may face a big problem, trying to recover it. As a result, your funds will be locked inside the account without the opportunity to use, trade, and transfer them.

Crypto wallets use seed phrases as an additional security measure for such cases. The phrase is a randomly generated combination of unrelated words, so users get a senseless sentence. They have to enter this phrase to restore access to the account. However, in some cases, users may lose seed phrases, so that there is no opportunity to recover passwords yourself. In such cases, feel free to contact our agency for prompt assistance in Ethereum wallet password recovery.

How Does Our Service Work?

Recovery Wizards is an advanced online service for an effective and quick recovery of access to crypto wallets. Our agency is a well-trained team of computer experts who are well-versed in software and hardware. They are competent in solving crypto wallet-related tasks of any complexity. Due to their deep knowledge of the material and wide experience, specialists manage to find effective solutions for clients’ cases.

Secure Data Treatment

We realize our responsibility for clients’ information and guarantee 100% security. Since our service implies dealing with personal data, and clients provide confidential information to us, cyber privacy is the primary concern for us. We use an enhanced encryption algorithm to protect clients’ data. Information is stored in air-gapped servers that guarantee a high level of protection.

Field of Service Application

Multiple platforms exist for gaining and managing virtual currency. These include mobile apps, web portals, desktop software, etc. Ethereum is accepted by diverse wallets. Our experts help deal with such popular services as:

  • - Jaxx;
  • - MyEtherWallet;
  • - MetaMask;
  • - Trezor;
  • - Coinbase;
  • - Mist;
  • - Keepkey, and others.

Holders of these and many other wallets can contact our managers to order Ethereum wallet recovery.

When We Can’t Help

Note that although our competence allows us to solve issues of different levels of complexity, we’re not authorized to deal with clients’ cases for security reasons in the following situations:

  1. The client contacts us and can’t remember his password to the Ethereum wallet.
  2. The client doesn’t remember the seed phrase and even partial words from the pattern, as well as he doesn’t have access to the email linked to the wallet.
  3. The client addresses our service after losing funds due to scammer tricks.

Thus, clients need to provide us with some proof of their legal access to the mentioned wallets, i.e. they should know at least something about their accounts.

Initiating the Recovery Process

If you need our help, you have to signal us somehow. We offer a contact form for quick and easy addressing to the service. To let us know that you need help, enter it by specifying the asked information, such as name, email, etc., and explaining your issue. By studying your query, our managers will send a letter with instructions to the indicated email or call you to clarify details and offer a solution. We do not make our clients wait for long; managers consider requests promptly.

Recovery Methods

Three ways to regain access to the wallet exist, namely:

  1. Manual picking is when a user tries to recall possible combinations and guess what the password may look like.
  2. Seed recovery implies the use of the Ethereum wallet recovery phrase to restore access to the wallet. In this case, users need to remember at least partial fragments of the phrase.
  3. Advanced techniques with the application of software and high-tech tools to restore partial seeds.

A suitable method is selected individually, depending on the case after its thorough consideration.

Service Workflow

Cooperation with our specialists is built on several steps:

  1. The client submits a help query.
  2. A manager gets in touch to clarify details.
  3. The client provides all the available information (wallet backups, password hints, etc.).
  4. The service analyzes the provided information using advanced software and high-performance attack vectors to generate the most possible password options.

Clients pay for services only if the task is successfully completed, and a specialist manages to regain access to the wallet. Otherwise, we do not charge fees.

Feel free to address our service, and our employees will help you cope with the problem easily and quickly. Nothing is impossible for our team.