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Bitcoin Unlimited Password Recovery

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, from which the rise of the crypto industry started. Being a pioneer of a new domain, the coin offers a full-fledged chain with wide functionalities and advanced tools, which is called Bitcoin Unlimited. It is a linked system of chains for smooth use, exchange, transaction processing, and trading with Bitcoin.

To get access to the platform’s functionalities and be able to manage the cryptocurrency, users need to register wallets. A Bitcoin wallet is a place where your crypto funds are stored and can be easily handled (transferred or exchanged) in a few clicks.

Since the platform deals with huge amounts of coins and comes as a popular financial service, the security system is high and advanced. Private keys and randomly generated seed phrases are used for secure password recovery if it is lost or forgotten and prevention of unauthorized access attempts.

However, there are cases when users lose or forget a password or even a seed phrase. How to get access to Bitcoin assets in such cases? Here, the assistance of specialized services is required. Recovery Wizards is a trusted provider of quality services for restoring access to Bitcoin wallets.

Our company provides Bitcoin unlimited wallet recovery services and guarantees a high success rate due to the use of advanced tech solutions. We have highly experienced and trained specialists in our team. A deep knowledge of the theoretical part and wide expertise in practice help them cope with tasks of any level of difficulty. Our computer experts are well-versed in IT issues and use innovative software and tools for recovering mechanisms.

The Essence of Service Functioning

The recovery process is based on the analysis of the provided information. Thus, when a client contacts us, we ask for all the available data about the account, where a wallet ID is obligatory information. It’s impossible to start the recovery process without entering the ID.

Security Guarantees

System functioning requires the indication of highly personal data that can lead to damage or rights infringement as a result of theft. Thus, we integrate innovative solutions to protect user information from leakage, namely:

  • enhanced encryption systems;
  • air-gapped servers with improved physical protection.

These measures make our service resistant to hacker attacks and reinforce user data privacy.

When We Can’t Help

Our computer experts are skilled enough to deal with any case, but they are not authorized to cope with certain cases due to legitimacy reasons. Here are the cases when our services are not applicable:

  1. The account holder can’t recall either a password or hints.
  2. The seed phrase is lost, and the client cannot access the email linked to the wallet.
  3. The client lost his funds, falling out to be a scam victim.

We deal with approved cases only, meaning that we reassure that the client is a legal owner of the wallet before starting the recovery procedure.

Getting Started with the Recovery Procedure

To order our services, clients need to fill in a contact form, specifying their info, such as an email address, name, and phone number, and explaining the case. Send this request to let our specialists know that you need help. They will study your problem and provide you with instructions. We do not postpone the service and response ASAP. We can contact the client to discuss the case in more detail if the information is not enough to judge the case and recovery.

Recovery Methods

Three strategies are enough to open with 90% of cases. Our team is skilled in all methods and offers the following solutions:

  1. Manual strategy implies generating the most evident combinations for likely passwords.
  2. Seed recovery requires partial seed patterns to regain access to the wallet.
  3. Advanced solutions are capable of generating the most unexpected solutions by analyzing clients’ data with the use of AI algorithms.

It’s possible to combine several methods. Our specialists select a suitable recovery strategy for each case. We use an individual approach for each client to guarantee a proper understanding of the case and speed up the procedure.

Service Workflow

Our cooperation with the client starts when we get his help query. We study the case and the obtained information. The wallet ID is one of the obligatory data to be provided at once. Based on this information, specialists attract software and analysis tools to generate correct passwords. A high success rate is due to the use of advanced attack vectors that help detect any kind of activity.

Do not hesitate if you face trouble and need to restore access to your Bitcoin wallet. Our experts take your problem on our shoulders and help cope with any task. Do not panic, keep your head cool, and fill in the contact form for professional assistance.