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Ethereum in Metamask

Ethereum in Metamask

During Expand North Star expo person approached our stand and after a brief conversation revealed that his friend has a locked crypto investment. Having an IT background he tried to recover the password by himself but without much success. We exchanged contacts and within a week owner of the locked-out crypto reached out to us.

The client had made investments in crypto and created a very "secure" password, which he had of course forgotten later on. It is quite common when newly-created more secure passwords are shortly forgotten.

After signing all necessary documents and getting some additional information from the customer our team has set to work. Metamask uses a variation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cypher for data encryption; the digest is then encrypted again 10,000 times for additional security. Such measures are implemented in order to make brute-force attacks against the encrypted data more difficult, and while additional security is always a good thing to have it makes things a lot harder when the password is forgotten.The client did remember a specific word that was used as a part of the password which made things a bit easier. Using advanced combination attacks our team was able to recovered crypto within an hour.

Strong passwords can increase protection of the data, do take time to write seed down on a piece of paper and put it somewhere safe. If you did not or have lost it Recovery Wizards can help you recover access to crypto assets!